Learn 5 Tips for Writing Emails that Sound Like You in the below article.

Your Email Welcome Series is one of the primary places to introduce yourself and your business to your audience of prospective clients. I recently shared a post on the 3 Must Have Emails for Your Welcome Series (click here to read it!)
In today's post, I'll break down that first must have email - the Introduction Email. But more than that, I'll show you how to infuse YOUR BRAND VOICE into that email copy to really make you stand out from the crowd!
Your Introduction Email
The first email someone receives when they subscribe to your email list sets the stage for all future communication, so let's make it a good one!
Take a moment to think of what kind of email would entice you to pay attention. Does the author share a funny story you can relate to? Do they provide insight and value into a challenging situation you're dealing with? Are they personable, setting you at ease and making you feel seen and heard?
Remember, the people on your email list joined because THEY WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU. They wouldn't be here if something you said or did hadn't snagged their attention and made them want to say YES to hearing more. Let that set your mind at ease. You've already impressed them. Now's the time to get real and keep them wanting more!

5 Ways to Introduce Yourself and Your Business - Using Your Unique Brand Voice!
People do business with people. They want to work with someone who is REAL. Someone they can relate to. The first email in your welcome series is your "get to know you" introduction ... sharing WHO you are, HOW you help, and WHY they should want to work with you (or at the very least, want to open the next email you send them!).
Your copy can be fun, and on-brand, while still clearly communicating and introducing yourself and your business to current and future clients.
Today we're walking through 5 core content points you should use in your Introduction Email ... and we'll share examples of crafting copy that communicates YOU and YOU BUSINESS in a unique way.
1) Clearly state who you are
2) Thank them for joining your email list
3) Share your mission and values
4) Tell them what to expect from you
5) Give them something to remember you by
While we're talking about writing copy for your introduction email, you can actually repurpose the copy in SO MANY OTHER PLACES!
✨ Your Website
✨ Your Services Brochure
✨ Your Welcome Letter to new clients.
✨ Your Social Media Bios

#1 Clearly State Who You Are
Infuse Your Brand Voice by using language that reflects your personality and style. Your introduction paragraph is a simple 1-2 sentences telling them who you are. Your greeting should actually sound like YOU! In high school I had a phrase I said a lot .... "Groovy Groovy." (Please don't laugh. I realize how goofy that sounds.) But hey, people knew me by that phrase for a brief period in my life (thank God they don't any longer!).
Here are a few examples of introduction paragraphs:
Example 1: Welcome Friend! Hi, my name is Jessica Suggs. I also answer to Wife, Mama, Chai Latte Devote, Book Lover, and Nacho Cheese Aficionado (j/k). But my favorite title (after wife and mama) is Chief Messaging Strategist at Jessica Suggs Marketing.
Example 2: Hello! I am [name], the creator of [blog/business name - include LINK!]. Thank you for subscribing to my blog. As a part of my email list, you will be the first to hear about new recipes, seasonal produce, and unbelievable spices to make cooking fun and flavorful.
Example 3: Hey Babe! This is [name], owner and CEO of [business name]. Thanks for dropping by this corner of the internet. Let me guess, you're here because you're DONE spending all your time running the operations side of your business.
Example 4: Welcome to [business name]. Thank you for subscribing! My name is [name], and it's an honor to have this opportunity to communicate and share ideas with other creative and passionate business owners like yourself.
Each of the above examples reflect a unique brand voice. Some have a more formal vibe (example 4) and others are way more relaxed (example 1). Your Brand Voice helps set the tone for how you communicate with your audience both today, and in future emails.
#2 Thank Them For Joining Your Email List
After you introduce yourself, take a minute to say thank you! Expressing gratitude can be both simple and intentional. No need to overcomplicate it; just say thank you in the way that fits you best!
Maybe you have a love-hate relationship with receiving email yourself and don't want your subscribers to feel overwhelmed. Or, perhaps they signed up for your list through a free lead magnet so this is your opportunity to send them something tangible to say thanks.
Saying thank you not only reflects gratitude, it's also an unobtrusive way for say "hey, you signed up to hear from me - don't delete just yet"!
Here are a few examples of ways to say thank you using Your Brand Voice:
Example 1: Thanks for saying "YES!" to receiving email from me. I promise not to completely overwhelm your inbox.
Example 2: Before we go any further, here is the [INSERT AMAZING FREEBIE TITLE HERE] you requested! (P.S. Don't forget to include the download link!)
Example 3: I am so grateful you are here! Thank you for subscribing and joining me on this journey as I share my [INSERT WORK DESCRIPTION HERE].
#3 Share Your Mission and Values
What sets you apart? Why should your readers care about what you have to offer? What's in it for them? Help them connect with the heart of your business and you'll have built a connection that will last over time!
Here's my mission for Jessica Suggs Marketing:
Nothing lights me up more than collaborating with others. I'm a connector and thrive on helping entrepreneurs and authors build connections through Authorship, Copywriting and Messaging, and Content Marketing.
Here are a few additional examples I've crafted for clients to help get your creative juices flowing!
Example 1:
Here at [BUSINESS NAME], we bring custom business solutions that automate, systematize, streamline, and simplify your business operations ... effectively eliminating frustration and allowing you to focus on what you do best!
Example 2:
My true passion is helping artists, entrepreneurs, and creative companies develop brand presence, grow their business, and shine in their creative space. I can't wait to watch your magic unfold!
Example 3:
Faith, Authorship, and Artistry are the foundation of my life and work. I count it a privilege to see God's hand in the ordinary activities of my day and look forward to sharing those experiences with you!
Example 4:
I love sharing favorite menu items and delectable photos of the meals I've created over on Instagram! But more than that, I love interacting with you! Hop on over to my IG feed and let's start a conversation.
#4 Tell Them What to Expect from You
Telling your readers what to expect from you and then delivering on your promise, builds that trust muscle.
Will you be emailing them weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, only on the fourth Tuesday of the new moon cycle?
Will you be sharing tips of your trade? Providing a behind-the-scenes look at how you create your product? Sharing inspiring photos/art/stories that encourage?
Let your reader know what valuable things you'll be sharing with them so they WANT TO OPEN YOUR EMAILS!
Example 1:
In the coming days, you'll be receiving a few goodies in your inbox. I promise to send you nuggets that will entertain and delight, inspire and undoubtedly connect you with other creatives like yourself.
Example 2:
Guess what? You'll be the first to hear when I post a new blog, and get the inside scoop on upcoming book releases and events.
Example 3:
Whether you're looking for baby friendly herbs and spices, meal plans for getting your toddler to eat, or creative recipes using seasonal produce, you'll find all of that and more within these emails and on the blog!
#5 Give Them Something to Remember You By
Help your readers remember you and your brand! Sharing a personal anecdote or memorable story, allows your reader to get to know you through Your Brand Voice. Infusing your interests and fun quirks make your email (and brand copy) more memorable.
The follow copy was crafted for a variety of brands I work with. I love how each Brand Voice is unique and shines in it's own way - just like the incredible women behind these brands!
Example 1:
I look forward to sitting with you, sharing a glass of sweet tea, and enjoying a good chuckle over a jock and a well-crafted story. My furry friend and I can't wait to connect with you again soon!
What sets this copy apart? We included a photo of her and her sweet malti-poo puppy in this email - sure to catch a dog-lovers attention!
Example 2:
Bold. Brave. Tenacious. I'm not going to be shy. That's what makes me stand out from the crowd. My "big break" came because I asked for what I wanted. Born and raised in Jersey, I'm a middle child who learned early on you never got anything if you didn't at least ask. Yep. You read that right. It's that simple.
What sets this copy apart? Sharing a bit about where she came from and what makes her unique provides for memorable copy! This no-nonsense approach to copy embodies the no-nonsense career woman it describes.
Example 3:
This is a place for dreamers, creators, artists and world changers – YOU. I'm so glad you've found your way here! You've stumbled upon a treasure trove filled to the brim with art, design and the magical people who create it.
What sets this copy apart? Using storytelling to transport a reader into a world you've created makes for hard-to-forget copy. Honestly, this copy style is my FAVORITE!
Example 4:
I've been and entrepreneur my whole life. When I was little, I loved being my Oma's sidekick in her food booth at local fairs and festivals. I served lemonade, counted money, and made supply runs. I felt like a real-life businesswoman!
What sets this copy apart? Can't you just picture this little girl helping her Oma? Now she's all grown up and ready to help YOU with your business! Generations of women helping women is inspiring!

With more than 16 years experience crafting copy for a wide variety of brands, we help create In Your Voice Messaging that embodies who you are, how you uniquely serve, in a way that builds connection with your audience.
We specialize in crafting copy in your unique voice, creating cohesive messaging across all platforms and client facing communication, effectively building relationships through active engagement and copy that converts.
Messaging Services Now Available!
Your Brand Voice | Your Website Voice |
Identify your unique brand voice in a personalized Brand Voice Guide. | Set the right first impression through clear, engaging copy showcasing who you are, who you serve, and how you help. |
Your Email Voice | Your Voice Product Messaging |
On-brand copy, marketing strategy, and email automation for building consistent communication with your audience. | Identify + craft your unique marketing messaging that sells your product or services. |
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