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Jessica Suggs

How to Move Forward when You Don't Know Where You're Going

Updated: May 3, 2021

They say the only thing constant is change. Well, change and God—He never changes. We’ve all experienced the disruption caused by unexpected circumstances. Medical diagnoses, work transitions and relationship hang ups can veer us off course in the blink of an eye.

But sometimes, change comes as a result of intentional choices we make. This past December, I resigned from a 14-year career in Christian Media. While it may have seemed sudden to some in my industry, it was a decision God had been working in my heart for a long time. While I knew it would launch my family, and my career, in an entirely new direction; there was no real way for me to know the impact this transition would truly have.

I started the new year fast and furious, ecstatic with my newfound freedom from the traditional daily work grind. I launched this website and blog practically overnight. I’ve spent the past few months reading business books, personal development books, and listening to a myriad of podcasts. I am actively pursuing on-line business coaching, writing training, and personal growth training.

I’m ready to set the world on fire—just as soon as I figure out what the focus of my business should be.

Photo by Larisa-K via Pixabay

Have you ever been there? Ready to move forward, but uncertain what direction to take? In Genesis, chapter 12, God calls Abram to move.

“The Lord said to Abram: go out from your land, your relatives, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, I will curse anyone who treats you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

God didn’t tell Abram where He was sending him. He didn’t provide a road map, or even a clear description of what and where the final destination would be. All God said was, “…go out from your land … to the land that I will show you.”

You know what’s even crazier than being sent on a life-altering road trip without a clue where you’re headed? Abram’s response was, “ok, God.” He just did what God told him to do. There’s no record of him asking God questions or pressing for more details. Verse 4 says, “So Abram, went as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him.” He even brought his nephew along for the ride.

I don’t know about you, but I am a planner. One of my greatest skillsets in business is the ability to strategize, implement, and equip people with the tools to get from point A to point B in any given project. For the past four months I’ve been doing just that. I’ve set the strategy, implemented it to the best of my abilities, and worked to equip myself for this new adventure as a solo-entrepreneur. Yet, even with all my careful planning, I still haven’t figured out exactly what to focus my contributions on.

I’ve been asking God to clarify where exactly I’m headed. But instead of giving me a map of the terrain with its hills, valleys and detours, God has kept the final destination hidden from view. It’s as if He’s taking me “to the land that He will show me,” and He’s only showing me one step at a time.

So, what do you do when you’re attempting to move forward but uncertain what path to take? Here’s what’s been working for me …

Photo by Greyerbaby via Pixabay

- SLOW DOWN: I am wired to be productive. I’ve spent my life thinking my productivity reveals my value and worth. But when I don’t have a clear vision on what areas I need to be productive in, I’ve found that slowing down and engaging and enjoying the present moment has been deeply healing.

- LISTEN TO YOUR BODY: When I find myself getting restless or anxious, I go outside and get moving. For me, going for walks a couple times a week has been incredibly uplifting. The fresh air, wide open space, and movement, clear my head, bring my energy up, and replace my anxiety with a fresh sense of purpose and focus.

Photo by StockSnap via Pixabay

- GET TO KNOW GOD BETTER: When I’m uncertain where God wants me to go, I’ve found that getting to know God better, helps me know myself better … and provides the direction I need to get through each day.

Wherever you’re headed today, whether in business, relationships, or simply moving forward in life, I hope you find these simple tips helpful. Comment below with what's been helping you in this season.


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