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I Started a Business so I Could Do it My Own Way

Jessica Suggs

Updated: May 3, 2021

I keep forgetting that I started my own business so I could do it my own way.

For years I was bound by an office schedule. As a leader in an organization, my work ethic, time, engagement level and dress code all reflected the expectations of the business I was a part of. This isn’t a bad thing. I loved my job for many years. I was happy to be a part of an organization and part of an office structure … until I wasn’t.

When I chose to leave my corporate career and branch out on my own, it was with a deep desire to have more control over my work hours, the projects I focused on, and the way I used my skills and gifts to their fullest.

I swore to myself I would never work for someone else again. While that sounds grand and liberating, I’ve found it’s a lot harder to be your own boss than I thought it would be.

There are still people counting on me and the work I do. There is still a routine I need to follow in order to be productive while working at home. And ultimately, my expectations of myself have always been higher than what anyone else expects of me.

Being your own boss isn’t the walk in the park I thought it would be. I’ll readily admit, I still have a lot to learn about being an entrepreneur and building a business from scratch. However, the thing I keep coming back to over and over again is this – I started my own business so I could do it my own way. Even - maybe especially - if my way looks different from yours.

Here are a few sneak peeks of projects I’ve been working on behind the scenes … and ways I’ve been walking this be-your-own-boss journey...

  • Helping my kids adjust to school-at-home 🎒

  • Helping my kids adjust to going back to school in-person 🎒

  • Transitioning my kids to now being on Fall Break (Haven't we been home enough this year?) 🎒

  • Watching my son play baseball and my daughter attend dance classes again. ⚾ + 🙆

  • Joining an adult Hip Hop class - These ladies and I, who claim to remain 29 years old indefinitely, are being taught hip hop by a 19 year old who is slim and cute and so much fun. It’s a blast! 💃

  • Refining and defining my service packages

  • Creating and implementing a robust system for tracking and managing your business’ marketing content. - More to come at a future date! 🙌

  • Immersing myself in my client’s worlds and helping creating optimized systems for streamlining their marketing + content to their customer base -- So much fun! 🗓

  • Editing books for first-time authors. 🖋️

  • Expanding my Writer’s Workbook to walk you through the stages of writing, editing and self-publishing book - Releasing later this year! 🙌

  • Creating a Writer’s Coaching package to help you take your book idea and get it into print. - More to come at a future date! 🙌

  • Refining my editorial packages so you have the customized support you need to level up your fiction and nonfiction writing. 🖋️

  • Reading, reading and more reading. Books are what’s keeping me sane while I juggle work, home, family, health and everything in between. 📚

My work day doesn’t look anything like it did when I worked in an office setting two years ago. It’s more beautiful, joy-filled and purpose driven than I ever could imagine. No, being a business owner and entrepreneur isn’t easy. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

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